
Word Up

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Word Up


Genre: Comedy

Time: 3 minutes
Cast Breakdown: 1 M or 1 F
Theme: Reading God’s Word.
Church Year Season: Any
Suggested Use: Worship Service, Student Service
               Chris a conflicted person trying to read the Bible.
Props: A Bible. A stand for the Bible. A chair. A cell phone.
Costumes: Casual
Sound: One wireless mike
Setting: A room
Scripture Reference:
Psalm 119 is all about the wonders of God’s word. It gives the many advantages of reading, knowing, obeying and memorizing the decrees, commands and promises of the Bible.
But you have to pick it up first.
God’s word does no good unopened. A person has to make a concerted effort to regularly consume scriptures. Excuses and temptations will always pull the person away.
But, once the person opens the Bible and sees the beauty and love it offers, there’s no turning that person away ever again.
Director’s Tip:
Makes Chris as conflicted as possible. The more frantic, the funnier. Have Chris contort and fidget all over the chair. The more expressive the actor the better.

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